Sensara develops new Cloud platform to provide flexibility and speed for healthcare organizations.   Hartford, USA,...

Sensara receives 4.4 million euros capital investment for international growth   Rotterdam, Netherlands, December 11,...

Sensor Technology Increases Resident Confidence and Reduces Falls   Exeter, NH—August 21, 2019— RiverWoods Continuing...

As opening day for Naidex draws closer, visitors are eagerly awaiting to see what the show has to in store! One feature in particular that has got...

Fitchburg, MA. For Immediate Release, September 17 2019   McFarlan Home, an Assisted and Independent Senior...

“I cannot imagine my job as a Case Manager Dementia anymore without the help of Sensara.” Based on Sensara HomeCare’s smart sensor...

Sensara and McFarlan, part of Presbyterian Villages of Michigan, have recently signed an agreement for a three months pilot study at their...
